Cat No. 2032-3002
Application: Solvents, aromatics
GC Polar-PEG
USP Code: G16
Phase GsBP-Inowax
Size 30m x 0.32mm x 0.25um
Film thickness 0.25um
Temperature limit 40 to 260/280
Equivalent to HP-Innowax, DB-Wax, DB-Waxer, CP-Wax 52, VF-WaxRxt-Stabilwax, Rtx-Wax, Omega-Wax
Crossferenced to JW 19091N-113, 123-7032, CP8843
Crossferenced to Restek 12424, 10624
Crossferenced to Phenomenex 7HM-G007-11
Crossferenced to Thermo: 260W224P